GP LEVEL 1 商贏方程式 MM



GP Level 1 商贏方程式 MM

GP Level 2 目標導航

MBTI 十六型企業性格學

FCP 趣味認知心理學


從初創企業 到上市道路

課程: 從初創企業 到上市道路


GP47 愛情對對碰

GP46 狂充8小時 單車發電破健力士

GP45 笑在香港


Yesir鄭海名 (亞洲企業家教練)

致力於研究商業模式,運營模式和資本模式,三十年來訓練企業家超過一萬人,是香港最大的企業家及資本家平台,Yesir 也是首位把外國的Edutainment引進亞洲第一人,有強列心理學及佛學根底,師父是林超榮,李中螢及古夫農先生,期後追隨加拿大創富學大師 T.Harv Eker 哈福‧艾克、賺錢之神邱永漢先生、世界著名生意哲學家 Jim Rohn 及企業家25金律作者 William E.Heinecke 威廉‧克力奇研究生意商道哲理。 他是唯一在亞洲可以把MBTI,九型人格,血型,星座,生命密碼,五大唯一綜合講師。




英國 BSCTA 認可企業教練導師


19 APRIL 2024

MM128 商贏方程式 (GP Level 1)

下午 7:30 – 下午 8:30

17 APRIL 2024

MM129 商贏方程式 (GP Level 1)

下午 7:30 – 下午 8:30

More Than 50+ Companies Have Trusted Us For Quality

We are glad to be a part of countless success stories by providing the best quality software solutions to our clients.

For Designing Prototypes We Are The Reliable Name

UI & UX for software solutions have always been our strong suit. Our design team has brought countless ideas to life.

Validate Your Software Quality By The Bests In Town

Our special quality team will make sure your software is fit for potential customers. We offer unlimited revisions till you are happy with the quality.

星星相惜 名人見證



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Frequently Asked Question

Why Choose Us?

We provide the most user-friendly service for you to develop your software with the best user-experience design. You can come up with an idea, design plan or we are open for discussion to help you to develop your desired software efficiently.

Is there any membership program available?

We provide the most user-friendly service for you to develop your software with the best user-experience design. You can come up with an idea, design plan or we are open for discussion to help you to develop your desired software efficiently.

How to book an appointment?

We provide the most user-friendly service for you to develop your software with the best user-experience design. You can come up with an idea, design plan or we are open for discussion to help you to develop your desired software efficiently.

Can you provide digital services?

We provide the most user-friendly service for you to develop your software with the best user-experience design. You can come up with an idea, design plan or we are open for discussion to help you to develop your desired software efficiently.

What are the promotions going on?

We provide the most user-friendly service for you to develop your software with the best user-experience design. You can come up with an idea, design plan or we are open for discussion to help you to develop your desired software efficiently.